IGS International Symposium


Bilbao, 5-10 June 2022

The International Glaciological Society (IGS) and the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) together with UPV/EHU are glad to announce the International Symposium on ICE IN A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY (ISS), which will take place in the Basque Country in June 2022. Its Second Circular is available here.

The ISS Symposium will be held at Bizkaia Aretoa UPV/EHU, Conference Auditorium, Bilbao (Spain). The main presentation sessions of the Symposium will take place from Monday morning, 6 June, until the afternoon of Friday 10 June. These will include keynote lectures by world-renowned experts from different disciplines in line with the topics of the symposium:

Valérie Masson-Delmotte

Alexandre Anesio

Catherine Ritz

Michael Bravo

On World Environment Day, Sunday 5 June, there will be several celebration activities and a pre-symposium icebreaker event in the late afternoon at Bizkaia Aretoa. During the ISS Symposium we will also celebrate the 85th anniversary of IGS and the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development. Several excursions and social events are scheduled, including the traditional Symposium Banquet at the Guggenheim Museum where the 2020 Seligman Crystal will be awarded.

In addition to the activities during the symposium week, we will have an Arctic environmental humanities workshop taking place online some months ahead of the symposium.

Come and attend* what will be a stimulating, innovative and productive symposium in a beautiful setting in the north coast of Spain!

*Required and recommended COVID-19 prevention measures will be followed during all ISS-related activities and remote participation options are also offered.


The ISS Symposium will focus on “interdisciplinary relations” rather than specific disciplines. Its ultimate objective is to let the participants perceive all the disciplinary overlaps and interactions that naturally arise, enabling them to realize the extraordinary transdisciplinary potential of glaciology. […]



  • To assess the relevance of glaciology to a sustainable society, including the scientific, technological, social, economic and cultural dimensions.
  • To serve as a transdiciplinary line of action and instrument to engage citizens, stakeholders and policymakers, promoting […]