We offer accommodation and/or registration fee-grants for a limited number of students and early-career researchers. See details below.
- Attendance to all conference sessions and activities
- Coffee-break refreshments
- Icebreaker event
- Midweek excursion
- Symposium banquet
- Attendance to all conference sessions and activities
- Coffee-break refreshments
- Icebreaker event
- Midweek excursion
- Symposium banquet
- 1 year membership of the IGS
- Attendance to all conference sessions and activities
- Coffee-break refreshments
- Icebreaker event
- Midweek excursion
- Symposium banquet
- Attendance to all conference sessions and activities
- Coffee-break refreshments
- Icebreaker event
- Midweek excursion
- Symposium banquet
- 1 year membership of the IGS
190€ (+18 y.o.) 155€ (7-17 y.o.)
- Icebreaker event
- Midweek excursion
- Symposium banquet
We encourage all participants to attend the Symposium on site (always following the required and recommended COVID-19 prevention measures). However, online options for virtual attendance at the conference sessions and activities (only those activities that can be retransmitted online) are also available: 335€ for IGS members / 415€ for non IGS members.
If you are a Local Organising Committee (LOC) member, Cultural and Scientific Steering Committee (CSSC) member, Keynote speaker, or Student Grant Awardee, register via the Special Registration button below:
Grants for students and early-career researchers
Only registration grants are still available (03/05/2022)
The Department of Education of the Basque Government has awarded a grant to the ISS Symposium to fund accommodation and/or registration fees for a limited number of students and early-career researchers, up to and including the age of 30. Full or partial fellowships will be awarded on a competitive basis, giving priority to candidates presenting their work during the symposium (go to abstract submission).
If you wish to apply for one of these grants please send us an email with the following structure:
Subject: ISS grant application – your full name
Attached files: Curriculum Vitae (in .pdf) & Motivation letter (max. 500 words)
- Full name and date of birth*.
- Title and reference number of the proposal (abstract) submitted to the Symposium.
- Indicate if you want to apply for a registration fee grant, for accommodation grant, or both.
- Any other relevant requirements.
*In the case of being selected for the grant, this information and your ID/Passport number will be shared with the Basque Government.